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My Story

The name LuovaSielu is my artist name and it means creative soul and that describes so well who I really am. I love expressing myself with colors and creativity together with intuition are my highest power sources.


It took time for me to discover that my ultimate purpose is to create. I have changed my working life from corporate HR tasks to my own creative business, which has developed me ever since as an artist and now a designer as well.


The meaningful moment was 2019 when my intuition guided me to buy a large canvas, acrylic paints and brushes. When I started to paint on that first canvas and I did it intuitively, I knew that this is the thing I had been looking for. And that was the starting point of becoming as an Intuitive Artist.


I have painted a lot and my art with acrylics are colorful and they bring energy to recipients. My art has changed and developed over time and the energy in them has got new layers and more vibration. The great thing about creativity is that it's an endless source and it gives the opportunity to expand to multiple directions. It's taken me now to this designer path also and I'm excited that what's yet to come.

Face & Body ART

My artistic career has inspired me to expand my creativity.


Every now and then I love to paint myself. That's such a releasing process and every time I can see some new aspect of myself. Painting myself also has given me a lot of confidence and courage to do new things and be who I really am.


I encourage people to find their soul's purpose and not to apologize how they want to live their own lives.


The most important thing is to learn loving the self. That usually takes a little work to get there because of the restrictive beliefs we have created in to our minds. By healing our wounds we can be so powerful and through that we are enabling ourself to be who we truly are.

A few things that tells something about me

Intuitive & Creative
Sensitive to Energies
Seeing possibilities & getting new Ideas easily
Thinking deeply
A Solver of Blocking feelings & thoughts
Having a good Imagination
Great in visualizing, connecting things & seeing processes
Energetically Spiritual
A Friend with the Universe
A Color Lover
Brave to make decisions & changes
Honest, trustworthy &fair
Mostly Introvert
Versitale & Combination of many experiences
Enthusiastic Learner 
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