Reconciling Creativity and Money
Abundance is everywhere and it can be numerous things. For example, my creativity is very abundant and I feel like it's an endless source, but when it comes to receiving money, somehow it's hard for me to believe I'm allowed that kind of abundance, like receiving all the time and receiving large amounts of money. So the beliefs around money are one big learning for me and the most difficult that I've faced. But this is the time to change those beliefs and this is one reason I've cried a lot recently, because my subconscious mind is stubbornly resisting that change.
The Roots of Our Money Beliefs
Beliefs around money can be tricky and multi-leveled. Things we learn to believe from our parents, things that they have learned from their parents and transfer those same beliefs and thought and behavior patterns to us. We can also learn beliefs from society, workplaces and just overall from people around us. For example, if there has been an imbalance in income between the parents, it may have caused one to control the finances and the other to behave as the underdog. That same pattern might repeat when starting to live with a life partner.
I haven't experienced any money-wise richness during this lifetime and there hasn't been any behavior in my family that we would have been surrounded by money. I don't remember any talk from my childhood where adults around me would have said "we have all this money and it's so easy to make money". In our family, I mean with relatives, there's been a total silence when it comes to talking about money. No one has taught me how money makes money. But it's difficult to teach something you don't know yourself. I had this behavior in childhood and youth that whenever I received money, I spent it all. I didn't save anything. Not to even mention understanding something about investing. I know that my father looked at stock exchange rate changes in the newspaper, but nothing more.
Money Dynamics in Relationships
One thing to mention is that my husband and I have totally different beliefs around money and many of those beliefs can be explained through family history and behaviors learned from there. I believe that in most relationships one of the top disagreement topics is money-related. We have discussed money and everything around it so many times. When sharing a life with someone, it's important to understand how the other person is thinking and what beliefs they have around money, so that you can create a growth-supporting environment together. Understanding the behaviors of the other is a richness itself. And when the beliefs differ, that can turn to a strength when sharing perspectives.
The Shift from Employee to Entrepreneur
When I worked in HR roles for other companies I got a monthly salary and in that context it was clear to me to receive a quite good salary. But when I changed to be an entrepreneur, my belief system showed its face. Somehow to my subconscious mind, working for someone else is "easier" to ask a monthly salary and receive it. When it comes to receiving as an entrepreneur, my beliefs tell me that continuous flow of money is way more difficult. If I go deeper with these beliefs, the core of it isn't just about money. It's about selling also and multi-leveled beliefs around that.
When I have applied for those monthly salary jobs, I only needed to sell once, in a job interview and after that just do the best work I could. But as an entrepreneur I need to sell all the time, over and over again (at least my mind replays this kind of story). And because of my introvert nature, I struggle with the theme of selling because I don't want to be pushy. I understand that I would never do it that way, but when we have subconscious beliefs, they try to keep us safe and avoid things that might feel uncomfortable. And there is that belief also, that I would need to be more extrovert to be good at selling. On the other hand, I trust the pricing. For example, I get the prices of my paintings intuitively channeled, so it is not a problem to me to ask for those prices.
Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs
I've also said many times to my husband that I'm not good at selling and it's difficult for me. But that is a lie that my mind is telling me to stay away from that activity, at least keeping me in a small box with that. A while ago I wrote in my notebook about that topic and then I started to write down everything that I've already sold during entrepreneurship and there were many things in that list. And all of those sales came easy. And the reason for that is simple. In those moments I have been in alignment with my soul, I've been in a high frequency energy and I've listened to my intuitive voice. Not one sale has come forced or being pushy. And my paintings, they have sold themselves.
The Path to Abundant Receiving
So to be open to receive money with flow requires me to do intuitive selling in alignment with my soul in a high frequency energy, that's a no-brainer. But how will that happen continually? What beliefs do I need to change and heal in myself so that the old beliefs don't pull me back to behavior that keeps me in a way stuck?
Practical Steps for Changing Money Beliefs
Here are a few things that I am doing to change my beliefs around money and selling. If you are experiencing the same kind of beliefs, these tips can help you too:
Identifying the beliefs that are connected with the topic.
This happens through writing in a notebook and doing meditation with intention to receive answers. You can write down questions and then start to receive the answers. Free writing itself is a good way to start communicating with the subconscious mind.
Awareness of your beliefs is important because then you can also notice your repeating behavior around certain topics, and in this case with money.
Starting to change the beliefs and healing from possible traumas around the money theme
One good way is energy healing so that you are able to connect with your subconscious mind. The changes need to happen at that level.
Testing yourself
If the beliefs have really changed by doing actions that you have avoided before. Notice how you feel while doing the actions. If there's some progress but you feel that there's still something holding you back, continue with identifying more beliefs and proceed with healing those.
Remember to give yourself time to make changes. If there is a high volume of resistance showing up during the process, that might make you feel you want to give up. I know this from my personal experience. But when we experience resistance within ourselves that is a sign to really put effort into the healing work.
An Ongoing Journey
Healing work is like a never-ending journey, showing new layers when passing through some. My processes at the moment include mostly the things I've written in this blog post. I've already done some of the inner work with these topics but I also know that there's still work ahead. To describe the situation, I already know what I need to do, but some of the actions are still feeling a little bit scary or uncomfortable. The funny thing is that you might do bold things in other contexts but not in others. That sometimes is confusing. But let's use the resistance as a power source to make the changes, even the bigger ones.
What's one limiting belief about money that you've recognized in yourself? How has it affected your life?