Intuitive Artist & Energy Healer
Anniina is my birth name and LuovaSielu is my artist name. LuovaSielu means creative soul, which describes so well who I am. Creativity and intuition are my highest power sources, and they have guided me to the artistic and energy healing path, the purpose and calling of my soul.
I was born in 1982, so at the time I'm writing this, I'm a woman in my 40s who started her transformative journey at the age of 37. Because of this journey, I've really learned how to do inner work and how to create a powerful relationship with myself.
Combining all the learnings with my natural gifts, I know that I'm the right person and soul to support and guide many women to do the same.
I was a shy child with a rich imagination, often talking to myself—or perhaps to someone others couldn't see.
From an early age, I have been very sensitive to emotions. This sensitivity may have contributed to feeling like an outsider in many situations. I was also bullied and wasn't invited to some of the parties my classmates attended.
Even though I was shy, I always did things my own way and never did something just to be accepted by the group.
It's always easier to see things more clearly afterwards, and in this context, I mean noticing when I was living and listening to my ego versus my intuition.
I completed high school and studied to become a business administration graduate while working, but I've always been the type of person to learn by doing, so I felt no passion to apply for further studies.
My interest in people took me on a working journey in the personnel business and various human resources roles in different companies. My career was leveling up, and I had a lot of responsibilities and areas to handle. I got great feedback on the work I did, which is of course nice but also perfect for nurturing the ego. At that time, it was so important to get feedback from others, but when ego is enjoying, it may take you in the "wrong" direction, away from listening to intuition.
I've learned a lot in HR roles, and I am so grateful for that. At some point I started to think what's my purpose. Questions like "What do I want to do?", "What's my purpose?", "What's my passion?" were going through my mind. A strong feeling arrived that I needed to quit my corporate job. So I did. A bold move with no guarantees about anything.
I had a side hustle business with a direct selling company which I thought was the answer to my freedom and richness, but wow, what an emotional drop I experienced after two months of focusing on that after leaving my day job. I realized that I had no idea what my purpose was. This era included many tears and lying on the floor in desperate emotions. But it was so necessary. It was time to strip off the dominant ego and remember how to listen to my intuition.
Sometimes you need to "step out" of your life to get clarity. And life goes in eras. I mean what now feel like something to get away from, might not feel the same after a while. When emotional changes happen, the resistance also fades.
After all the difficult emotions and asking for answers, two things happened.
Firstly, I got an opportunity to participate in a ThetaHealing course that was life-changing for me in many ways. ThetaHealing is an energy healing method to make changes in subconscious level. I really felt that I'd found the right kind of method to connect more and more with my intuition and to do energy healings by clearing subconscious level beliefs and emotions that were heavy and limiting. My soul enjoyed it and I joined many different ThetaHealing courses to widen my intuitive gifts.
Secondly, I received an intuitive message to buy a large canvas, acrylic paints, and brushes. And I painted my first painting intuitively. I had painted art when I was younger, but that wasn't intuitive. The first painting got a name in Finnish, but translated into English, it's "Visible Woman". Little did I know then what different levels of meaning this painting would have with my calling and purpose.

If you want to create a relationship with the core of who you really are as a soul, inner work is something you need to do. The relationship with yourself is the one you have your whole life. You can let other people go out of your life, but the person that's always there is you, so it's the number one relationship to care for.
I learned to do energy healing work through the ThetaHealing® method with myself and by working as a healer for others. That work guided me on how to read and interpret energies, how to release beliefs, how to heal from difficult emotions, and how to create new, better-serving patterns at the subconscious level.
Every energy healer has their strongest ways of getting messages, and two of my strongest are seeing visions and just knowing; in some cases, I experience physical feelings. The words that come out of my mouth during an energy healing session for another person feel channeled directly for me to say or ask.
So, over these years, I've been increasingly creating my own way of doing energy healing and healing work in general. Not that I've forgotten the good things about the ThetaHealing® method, but as a creative soul and intuitive by nature, I've created my own style that resonates with my soul and combines all the things I do as multidimensional healing.
Inner work can be done in so many ways. I personally believe that doing self-reflection by writing and then doing energy healing work so well together. With all that, I use my art, intuitive painting, and soul healing body painting as tools. It's the way of letting creativity flow and using our bodies as well.
I do what I guide. That means every service I offer to other people consists of things that have helped me and ways that I have practiced in my daily life.
I believe our souls have purposes, and to serve those purposes, there are some core lessons we need to learn here on earth.
Some of the core lessons I've identified in this lifetime of mine are: loving oneself and recognizing self-worth, forgiveness, releasing guilt, fear, anger, and shame, trusting the power of the universe and my soul's power, being visible as I am, and understanding abundance at every level and my access to it.
I have done work with all of the lessons I've identified. With some of them, I've made more progress, while others are still a work in progress. It's important to understand that healing work is a continuous journey. The more we heal, the more layers are uncovered, and the healing work goes deeper. We develop constantly, and the healing gets easier and faster. Sometimes we start to resist change because of our belief system. These moments can feel frustrating but it's so important to release that frustration and continue the journey of giving your soul the opportunity to shine.

My husband always says that I am the most honest person and best listener he has ever met, and that my ability to be present while listening is rare. Honesty is one of my core values, and I would be totally lost without it. I also agree with the listening part, particularly in one-on-one situations when no one is interrupting the conversation. The listening also applies to the things I do and create by myself. I listen and I create.
The way I listen is more than with ears. It's about energies, what my intuition tells me. This applies whether I'm talking with someone, painting a Female Energy Healer Portrait, writing, or creating something else.
Visualizing is natural for me, and ideas are usually shown as images to me. Not like images that we see with physical eyes, but more like with "inner eyes". If there's also a strong intuitive feeling or emotion along with the vision, I know it's time to proceed with it.
Trust. That's a really meaningful thing for me, and it's also multi-dimensional. There are aspects of it that I'm still learning (the things that need big trust with the unknown), but what's always been the core of me is that I am trustworthy. And it's also a must with the things I do. The inner work and healings might be very personal, so the trust between me and my clients is highly confidential.

My approach resonates particularly well with women around their 40s, as I've walked this path myself. This decade often brings significant life changes and self-reflection. Many of us find ourselves questioning our purpose, reassessing our careers, or navigating shifts in our relationships and family dynamics. We may feel a growing desire to reconnect with our authentic selves, perhaps for the first time since our youth.
The art, inner work and multidimensional healing I offer provides a nurturing space for this mid-life rediscovery. Through energy healing, creative expression, and intuitive guidance, I help women uncover layers of themselves that may have been hidden beneath years of societal expectations and responsibilities.
My passion is to help with the inner stuff, not surface-level topics. I am also honest, and that means if I notice a pattern of yours that's keeping you stuck, I will communicate that to you. Sometimes it may awaken resistance, but that's natural and only means that there's some work to do.
Together, we work to release outdated beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and tap into the wisdom and power that comes with this stage of life. My goal is to guide you in embracing your 40s not as an ending, but as a beautiful beginning – a time to truly become the woman you were always meant to be. And that is what I mean by the goddess within you.